Closed source software has been a controversial topic in the tech industry for years, and Apple is no exception. While Apple’s closed source software has its benefits, it also has its drawbacks.

One of the biggest problems with closed source software is that it’s difficult to know what’s going on under the hood. Apple claims that its software is secure, but without access to the code, it’s impossible to verify those claims.

This can lead to security vulnerabilities that are exploited by hackers. Another problem with closed source software is that it can be difficult to fix bugs and vulnerabilities.

When a bug is discovered in open source software, anyone can fix it and submit a patch. With closed source software, only Apple can fix bugs, which means that users are at the mercy of Apple’s development schedule.

Closed source software can also be expensive. Apple charges a premium for its devices, which means that users are paying more for less.

With open source software, users have access to free alternatives that are just as good (if not better) than their closed source counterparts. In addition to these problems, closed source software can also limit innovation.

When developers don’t have access to the code, they can’t build on top of it or create new features that improve the user experience.

Finally, closed source software can be a barrier to entry for new developers. Without access to the code, it’s difficult for new developers to learn how things work and contribute to the community.

So, while closed source software has its benefits, it also has its drawbacks. If you’re concerned about security and want to save some money, consider switching to open source software. There are plenty of free alternatives out there that are just as good (if not better) than Apple’s closed source offerings.

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