Russia, in a move that highlights their growing mistrust and suspicion towards the USA, has imposed a sweeping ban on the use of Apple products by officials and ministers closely associated with Rostec, Russia's state-run military-industrial conglomerate. This ban extends beyond just one subsidiary and covers the entire corporation.

The decision to prohibit Apple devices stems from a disturbing revelation of a surveillance operation conducted by US intelligence agencies within Russia. The Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia has uncovered evidence suggesting that the CIA implanted malware on numerous iPhones used by Russian citizens and foreign diplomats.

Rostec, in response to these alarming findings, has accused Apple of being complicit in aiding the extensive surveillance activities conducted by the US government. They claim that the company collaborates closely with the US intelligence community, raising concerns about the privacy and security of Russian citizens.

Although Apple vehemently denies these allegations and maintains that it has never cooperated with any government to compromise the integrity of its products, the Russian Ministry for Industry and Trade has announced a stringent crackdown on iPhones. This includes a ban on Apple devices for its employees, a move that will come into effect imminently, further highlighting the deteriorating relationship between Russia and the USA.

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