Another panic patch in Apple-land..Companies are struggling to get their Apple users to upgrade timely.

Appls approach to security by obscurity, is not only dangerous to all users out there. It also prolongs the times before serious security flaws and backdoors gets reported an fixed.

The other huge problem is Apples coherent eco-system. As all devices are pretty much running the same chipset, system software, apps, connectivity toolset etc. It becomes a 1-hole rules all world in Apple Lala-land. If you find a flaw it is more or less guaranteed to work on ALL Apple users.. regardless if they run a new or old phone, tablet or pc.. Ample is a “put all your eggs in one basket” kind of company. Only a fool would think that they are safer in this kind of eco system than within one where users have more insight and control of their open-source OS with more diverse hardware and system-software’s alternatives to make life harder for companies or hackers finding that hack to rule them all devices.

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