Happy news for all diabetics out there. Huawei just released the Watch 4, a smartwatch pushing the technology envelope on wearable tech. Apart from being able to measure heartrate, spO2, skin temperature, stress, blood sugar level, best-in-class sleepmonitoring, 4.5 days battery (21 days battery in energy-saving mode), it also does ECG analysis, heart health research, vascular health research, respiratory health research, and new functions such as blood vessel age detection and cardiovascular risk screening.
Price starts below 400 usd, the biggest downside is of course US war on China, depriving many western users of easy access to these wearable tech.. But I guess we will have to come to terms with the US consumers playing second fiddle to Asian consumers, when we go to all out war to force a technology split that soon will deprive most US companies access to the world no.1 market for mobile tech.
Side note.. Companies like Huawei, Samsung and LG research are way ahead of Apple currently, even in US only patents granted. And the Harmony OS, that power these devices are fully open source.