Whoever told you Europeans can’t be bribed? The ongoing strategy with lobbyist and influencer style marketing Apple successfully uses to be second to none in modern marketing methods has met some legal resistance from Sweden’s anti-corruption laws, after hiring the former minister for foreign affairs, Ann Linde” as an “advisor”.

Apple’s joboffer was reported to the “Karensnämnden”, which is the committee that takes a position on whether there is a potential match and whether former ministers should receive restrictions after leaving politics and assignments in the business world.

The legal verdict? Linde should be restricted in her new role as an advisor to Apple.

The restrictions, however, are minimal and really not enforceable. The committee reports –

“The restriction means a prohibition against using and/or conveying information in the notified assignment about such individual cases, processes and substantive issues that Ann Linde has acquired as a minister and which are not available to a wider circle,” the Karensnämnden writes in its decision according to Swedish state television.

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